To keep the dong from rising, Vietnam's State Bank bought dollars and that contributed to inflation. 为了防止越南盾的升值,越南央行购进美元,这一措施导致通货膨胀。
Having left a state bank to found his lending company, Mr Huang is confident he can secure that competitive advantage. 黄建勤在创办小额贷款公司前曾在一家国有银行工作,他相信自己可以在这种竞争中占据优势。
State Bank of Vietnam Deputy Gov. Le Minh Hung said in a statement on the government's website that the country had no intention of seeking a rescue. 越南央行(StateBankofVietnam)副行长黎明兴(LeMinhHung)在政府网站上的一份声明中说,越南没有寻求救助的意向。
The Central Bank of India and the State Bank of Pakistan are exploring the possibility of opening branches in each others 'countries. 印度中央银行和巴基斯坦国家银行都探讨在对方相互设置分行的可能性。
The children's bank is equipped with a special account in the Miami first state bank, its complete deposit and amount of family belongings loan all in above. 儿童银行在迈阿密市第一国家银行设有一个特别的账户,其全部的存款和贷款之数额家当全在上面。
National Federation of state bank employees; 全国国家银行雇员联合会;
That banker is really on the ball. The state bank floated a loan. 那位银行家的确很在行。国家银行发行一种债券。
State bank financing flows especially freely to companies particularly state-owned "national champions" that are buying overseas companies in the high-tech, energy, mining and environmental protection sectors. 国有银行的资金尤其顺畅地流向在海外高科技、能源、矿业以及环保领域进行收购的企业,特别是那些国有的“国家冠军企业”。
In this connection, we should make quite sure that the issuing of notes by the state bank is based primarily on the needs of economic development, and only secondarily on purely fiscal needs. 这里必须充分注意:国家银行发行纸币,基本上应该根据国民经济发展的需要,单纯财政的需要只能放在次要的地位。
State bank financing could explain why the Chinese bubbles have yet to burst. 国有银行提供融资解释了为什么中国的泡沫尚未破裂。
With this time draft in our possession, we'll be in a position to arrange for a loan from our state bank. 我们能用这张期票向国家银行申请贷款。
The state bank floated a loan. 国家银行发行一种债券。
Moreover, investment by state-controlled companies skyrocketed, driven by hundreds of billions of dollars of government spending and state bank lending to combat the global financial crisis. 还有就是,为了抵御全球金融危机,在数千亿美元的政府开支和国有银行贷款的推动下,国有公司的投资出现猛增。
Not only that, but Spain has a recapitalisation policy, centred on frob, the state bank rescue fund. 不仅如此,西班牙还出台了以frob(政府建立的银行纾困基金)为中心的资本重组计划。
In the meantime, the state bank of Thailand raised funds via collecting more money and provided the funds for export enterprises at preferential interest rates of commercial banks. 与此同时,泰国国行通过增加集资的方式筹集资金以商业银行优惠利率水平提供给出口企业。
Furthermore, the foreigners find themselves competing head-to-head for tenders all over the world with Chinese companies selling digested high-speed technology at discount prices, often with cheap state bank financing thrown in. 此外,外国公司还发现,在全世界竞标时都会遭遇中国企业短兵相接的竞争,中国企业以折扣价格销售消化了的高速铁路技术,往往还得到国有银行廉价信贷的慷慨支持。
The State Bank of Vietnam yesterday awarded each bank a licence to apply to open wholly-owned units in the country, honouring a pledge made to open the sector when it joined the World Trade Organisation last year. 越南央行(statebankofvietnam)昨日向上述两家银行颁发了申请在越南开设全资分支机构的牌照,从而履行了越南在去年加入世界贸易组织(wto)时做出的开放银行业的承诺。
A person with direct knowledge of the probe said securency had allegedly bribed Le Duc Thuy, the former governor of the State Bank of Vietnam, by paying tens of thousands of dollars in fees for his son to attend an overseas university. 一位知情人士表示,securency涉嫌向前越南央行行长黎德翠行贿,为黎的儿子支付了数万美元的海外留学费用。
"The State Bank of Vietnam understands that inflation is partly caused by the rapid growth of the money supply," said Jonathan Pincus, chief economist at the United Nations Development Program. “越南央行明白,货币供给量迅速增长是造成通胀的部分原因,”联合国开发计划署首席经济学家乔纳森?平卡斯表示。
A number of foreign businesses have been affected in recent weeks, as the State Bank of Vietnam, the central bank, tries to drain liquidity from the financial system to control inflation and hold down the value of the Dong against the dollar. 由于越南央行(statebankofvietnam)试图从金融系统中回笼流动性,以遏制通胀并压低越南盾兑美元汇率,大量外资企业最近数周都受到了影响。
And in a move to increase energy co-operation, veb, the Russian State Bank, has agreed to help fund construction of a new power plant in Kazakhstan to boost electricity exports to Russia. 作为一项加强能源合作的措施,俄罗斯国家开发银行(veb)同意资助哈萨克斯坦建设一座新电厂,以扩大该国对俄罗斯的电力出口。
The stake is now held as collateral by state bank VEB. 目前,这些股份作为抵押品被俄罗斯国有的国家发展银行(VEB)持有。
The military government also allows dollars to be deposited in a state bank for later withdrawal as FEC. 军政府规定美元必须存入国家银行取出外汇券才能使用。
The reform methods and steps: 1. Establish state bank holding company. 其改革方式和步骤为:(1)设立国有银行控股公司;
State Bank of India: Advanced As the Reform 印度国家银行:在改革中前进
In our country the bank capital adequacy has not yet been up to the international standards; the credit asset quality is low; the profit is yearly decreased, and the state credit worthiness guarantee has become the key factor of prudently operating the state bank. 我国国有银行的资本充足率未达到国际标准,信贷资产质量低,盈利逐年减少,国家的信誉担保成了国有银行稳健经营的关键性要素。
It predicts the monetary circulation quantity by the state bank of that province in the coming years. 用该模型预测未来几年某省的货币投放量。
As long as a sort of coins were issued by the state bank, this system can identify these new coins through the function of learning. 只要国家发行新的硬币,通过学习功能,该系统就可以对新版的硬币进行鉴别。